How Much Do IVF Injections Cost?

“How much do IVF injections cost?” is a question frequently on the minds of most hopeful intended parents. It’s a fair one, considering you’ve done your homework and have seen the staggering prices usually tagged onto In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) medication.

To be honest, the cost of injectable medications are substantial compared to others in the IVF cannon. Injectable medications can cost around $50 to $80 per 75 units—which is typically the required dose, but the drug can be prescribed to up to 375 (or more) units per day for about 7-14 days. When used with IUI a patient should expect to pay anywhere several thousand dollars month. Sometimes a doctor might suggest what is called a “hybrid” cycle, where a patient would take a drug like Femara in conjunction with a low dose of the injectable hormone. In this instance, the cost could somewhat lessen.

How Much Do IVF Injections Cost: How They Work

The reason for the high price lies in the quality of the drug. IVF injections, or gonadotropins, are potent hormones that are very effective at boosting fertility. They contain follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which causes development of one or multiple follicles, further increasing the number of eggs that reach maturation in a cycle. Because of the outstanding pregnancy rates exhibited by gonadotropins use (much better than those of Clomid), these injectable medications are used overwhelmingly as treatment for over 90% of anovulatory women. For relatively young women who have no infertility complications, pregnancy rates can be expected to jump to approximately 15% when combined with intrauterine insemination; however, pregnancy rates with the drug when used in conjunction with intercourse is somewhat lower.

They are to be administered early in the menstrual cycle, and are taken on a daily basis. Once started, the injections are continued for approximately 8-14 days until one or more mature follicles are seen developing in the ovaries via ultrasound. At that time, an injection of HCG is given to induce ovulation.

How Much Do IVF Injections Cost: Making Costs More Affordable

If, however, you still feel overwhelmed by those numbers, there are ways to help you pay less:

Discount Medication

Ask your clinic’s IVF coordinator to help you find the best prices. You could also search the local and mail order pharmacies. Though sometimes effective, these strategies can end up costing you time and money, and may not end up finding you the best costs out there. Search engines like can cut out the middle man and bring quality pharmacies to you, providing a large selection of great deals.


Investigate whether you are fortunate enough to live in one of the fifteen states that offers mandated insurance coverage for IVF medications. Also, check and see whether your insurance is coming up for renewal by speaking with your company’s HR department. Though your employer isn’t obligated to offer plans of this kind, there may be choices that can better cover fertility treatment and evaluation. If you do find that you have coverage, it is likely that the plan will not fully cover the total costs of your medication, so it is necessary to find supplemental discount medication.


To get something for nothing is rare these days, especially IVF medication, but sometimes fertility clinics provide medical samples to patients. The downside is that they may not have the exact medication you’re looking for, nor the amount. Clinic donation programs are also an option. These medications are generously provided by women who have already gone through IVF and have useable medication left over. Though your clinic may offer these kinds of programs, you may still have to purchase medications in case there is only a limited supply.


There are many nonprofit organizations willing to give grants for IVF cycles; unfortunately, the chances of winning one is fairly low and they may not even cover the entire cost of the treatment. To better your  chances, take the time to apply to a lot of different programs. “You can’t win if you don’t play” shouldn’t be your only strategy, so perhaps a more sensible option is to save your money and purchase discounted IVF medication.

Our site provides a large selection of specialty pharmacies to choose from, giving IVF patients the very best service and competitively priced medications. If you find yourself compensating for anyone of these options, can help you fill in the gaps and reach your goals, while saving you time and money.

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