Fertility Programs: Injectables And IUI

How Injectables And IUI Work

Injectables and IUI are one of the most commonly used procedures to help couples suffering from fertility problems conceive a child. IUI or IntraUterine Insemination is an easy and safe procedure usually done in a clinic by a fertility doctor or a specially trained nurse. It does not need anaesthesia and is similar to having a pelvic exam. IUI procedures start with the insertion of a speculum to expand the uterus so that sperm insemination can be directly done using a soft catheter. Now to make sure that the sperm will get to fertilize mature and healthy egg cells, fertility medications are generally used to stimulate egg production in females.

As you may have known there are two basic types of fertility medications that are used to stimulate egg production. They are classified as oral fertility medications and injectable fertility medications.  When oral fertility medications like Clomid fail to stimulate the ovaries to produce healthy eggs, injectable fertility medications will be used. Injectables and IUI are more effective in most couples who suffer from fertility problems. The effectivity of this procedure does vary depending on several factors like: the age of the woman, the condition of the fallopian tubes (at least one tube has to be open) and the overall quality and quantity of the sperm that will be inseminated in the uterus.

Fertility medications can help you conceive with IUI because these medications work to stimulate your ovaries to produce more eggs than in a normal cycle, which greatly increases the sperms’ chance of getting to a mature and healthy egg. Some fertility specialists may use Clomid or clomiphene citrate at first. The timing of the IUI with a Clomid cycle may be done with urinary ovulation prediction kits or using ultrasound monitoring. If Clomid doesn’t help you get pregnant, your doctor may recommend injectables and IUI.

There are several benefits of injectables and IUI aside from its good success rates in most couples. The procedure of injectables and IUI is relatively safe, easy and has few to none life threatening side-effects. The overall cost and expense for injectables and IUI is relatively modest compared to other fertility treatments and procedures. The downside to injectables and IUI compared to oral medications like Clomid and IUI is the cost, generally Clomid and IUI is relatively cheaper than injectables and IUI however, recent studies show that injectables and IUI have a higher success rate. The chances of multiple pregnancies like twins are also higher in IUI and injectables. Remember, only your fertility specialist can truly know what would be the best procedure for you to undergo since there are several factors involved with the success rates of the different fertility procedures. We hope that this post has helped you better understand how injectables and IUI work to get you pregnant.

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