Getting Acquainted With Male Infertility Medications

A Look At Male Infertility Medications

Male infertility medications are the answer to certain kinds of fertility problems experienced by men. There are many causes for infertility in men such as hormonal problems like low levels of thyroid or testosterone hormone, problems with sperm function, problems with the testicles, inherited disorders, chromosomal disorders, exposure to toxins, use of medications and drugs (psychiatric meds, alcohol, and steroids used for body building), and general illnesses like malnutrition, kidney and liver disease.  Fertility meds are used less for male fertility issues than for female fertility issues.

Treatment for male infertility is highly dependent on the cause. A variety of treatment is readily available which includes the following: prescription of male infertility medications, surgery to correct abnormalities, treatment of infections, and assisted reproductive technology.

Types Of Male Infertility Medications

The common male infertility medications are injectable hormones known as Gonadotrophins. It has two types: human menopausal gonadotrophin or hMG and human chorionic gonadotrophin or hCG. Gonadotrophins are used to initiate the testicles to produce testosterone and sperm. This is why these male infertility medications are used to treat men who are not capable of producing sperm due to primary hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. This is a condition characterized by the testicles inability to receive the signal to produce sperm.

There are also non-hormonal male infertility medications. This type of medication is used to treat an infertility condition known as retrograde ejaculation. This is when sperm are ejaculated into the bladder instead of the penis. This condition is often the result from certain diseases such as diabetes, or after prostate or urethra problems. Non-hormonal drugs like imipramine may help. This drug closes the neck of the bladder to prevent the sperm from going directly to the bladder.

Certain antibiotics can also be recommended as treatment to male infertility when an infection prevents the sperm from moving its normal course.

Generally speaking, male infertility medications are used to help improve sperm production for certain conditions. However, there are some side effects to expect. The side effects for men taking gonadotrophins are as follows: weight gain, breast enlargement, acne and water retention.

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