
Marvelon is a medication used in contraception, containing two hormones that are very similar to the hormonesoestrogen and progesterone naturally produced in the human body. Marvelon may change the lining in the uterus, making it difficult for an egg to develop. Marvelon also thickens the woman’s vaginal fluid, which can stop a sperm from reaching an egg to be fertilized.

How to Use Marvelon

The hormonal contraceptive Marvelon can only prevent pregnancy if taken regularly at the same time every day. If you desire immediate contraception, start by taking Marvelon the very first day of your period. Be aware, however, that if you do not start taking Marvelon on the first day of your menstrual period, extra conceptive precautions will need to be taken for at least the next seven days until the effects become active.

Once you have started taking Marvelon, continue to take once a day for the next 21 days, after which you should not take any more pills for the next seven days. Start a new strip of Marvelon immediately after the seven day tablet-free break.

Do not panic if you do not have a withdraw bleed during the tablet-free break. If you have taken all your pills properly, you have a very low likelihood of being pregnant. If you if miss two in a row you should immediately contact your healthcare professional because there is a possibility of pregnancy. If you have become pregnant, even while taking this medication, you should immediately stop taking Marvelon.

You should also be aware that in certain situations the effectiveness of Marvelon may be compromised and you will need to take more as a precautionary measure. This may include: having diarrhea, vomiting or an upset stomach, missing a dose for 12 hours, or other medications or medical conditions that may interact with Marvelon. If any of these situations occur during the last seven days of your strip, do not have the regular tablet-free break between strips of tablets normally recommended. Simply start taking the next strip of tablets without a break.

Like most contraceptives, Marvelon may increase the chances of developing blood clots or certain kinds of cancers, such as breast or cervical cancer. You and your prescriber will need to weight the benefits and drawbacks of taking Marvelon before starting the treatment.


Marvelon (Marvelon tablets). (n.d.). Retrieved from

Marvelon. (1996-2014). Retrieved from

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