
Climaval, generically known as Estradiol, is a hormone given to women who no longer produce the proper amount of estrogen naturally. It can be used to reduce menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes, brittle bones, osteoporosis, vaginal dryness, and others.

Climaval mainly contain estrogen, so it is most suitable for women who have undergone a hysterectomy. Women who are using Climaval for other reasons should be prescribed a progestogen medicine to take with this medication for the last 12 to 14 days of each 28-pack. This is mainly because estrogen stimulates growth if the womb lining (known as endrometrium), which can lead to endometrium cancer if the growth is unregulated. A progestogen is given to counteract Climaval’s effect on the lining of the woman’s womb to minimize the risk of cancer developing. Patients and doctor should, however, monitor the progress because the drug does not eliminate the risk entirely.

If a woman has undergone a hysterectomy, and has had her womb surgically removed, endometrical cancer would not be a risk, and progestogen not a necessary part of HRT—unless the woman has shown a medical history of endometriosis.

How Climaval Works

During the middle age years of a woman’s life, typically between the ages of 45 and 55, a natural process occurs in women in which female hormones, more specifically estrogen, decline in the body. This process is known as the ‘change of life’, climacteric or menopause, when the ovaries cease to function.

Irregular periods can result because of the declining estrogen blood levels, causing uncomfortable symptoms. Climaval tablets contain the active ingredient estradiol valerate, a naturally occurring form of the female hormone estrogen. In this form, the supplement can restore the falling estrogen levels in the body and reduce the distressing symptoms of menopause. Doctors call this hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Though Climaval has been shown highly effective, HRT is usually only required for short-term relief from harsh menopausal symptoms. The conditions under which a woman uses Climaval should be reviewed at least once a year with a doctor.


Climaval. (2014). Retrieved from

Climaval 2mg tablet (Generic equivalent). (2014). Retrieved from

Estradiol. (2013, November 18). Retrieved from

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